Contact Information

Call 301-213-7129 or send an email to provide your name and phone number, include a brief car description of the car you would like to sell, or a car you are interested in buying, attach pictures of the car you want to sell or what you are interested in purchasing. 

Chuck McDonald

Chuck with the 1931 Chrysler CG Imperial that was sold for $180,000 and now has a new home in Australia 

There is something truly special about driving a vehicle that was built before World War II. The craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into these cars is truly remarkable. Every time I get behind the wheel, I am transported back in time to a bygone era of elegance and sophistication. Owning a pre-war car is not just about driving, it is about the experience as a whole. From the smell of the interior to the sound of the engine, every aspect of the car is a reminder of a simpler time. It is a true pleasure to own and care for such a unique and historic piece of machinery. Furthermore, being a part of the pre-war car community has been an added bonus. I have met so many passionate and knowledgeable individuals who share my love for these beautiful vehicles. From attending car shows to participating in rallies, it is truly a wonderful feeling to be a part of such a vibrant community. In conclusion, owning a pre-war car has brought me immense joy and fulfillment. I feel privileged to be able to experience the beauty and history of these vehicles first-hand. If you ever have the opportunity to own one yourself, I highly recommend it.